Parent/Carer Support Sessions
We understand that there are challenges to life as a parent or carer of an autistic person. We know that along with the positives can also come exhaustion, frustration, and isolation. Jemma Swales' parent support sessions offer an opportunity to share practical strategies to help enhance the quality of the life of the whole family. Each family's situation is unique. Jemma sees everyone as individuals and will help you to find tailored strategies that work for your family.
The sessions are very relaxed and designed to give parents the space to gain a deeper understanding of the young person/adult they support. By the end of the session parents/carers will come away with practical strategies to help improve the quality of family life. If you would like to be added to our mailing list to be notified when these sessions are please contact
Here are some of the areas that Autus Cumbria can offer support to parents and carers of autistic people.
Understanding and Managing Behaviour
This looks at how all behaviour is communication and can tell us a great deal about how someone is thinking and feeling. We explore how behaviour can be driven by sensory needs and difficulties, the need for control and why and how anxiety can manifest itself.
The Sensory World
These sessions delve deeper into the sensory world and how the sensory system can differ for the autistic individual. We look at different types of behaviour fuelled by sensory needs and difficulties and work on ways to support and manage which work in the home and out in the community.
Supporting Change
We look at why the autistic brain can struggle with change and how we, as supporters can put structures in place to help an individual manage when life throws up difficulties.
Understanding and Managing Meltdowns
These times can be some of the most testing for an individual and their family. We look at what causes meltdowns, what is happening in the brain and how we can support people through them to keep both them, and ourselves, safe. Does not include manual handling or restraint techniques.
Introduction to Autism
For those families who may have a new diagnosis or are awaiting diagnosis and need some insight into what autism is and help with strategies they can use in the home.